When I do write a blog, it is normally to review a game I've played. But I wanted to try something a little different. So to shake things up a bit, I'd like to expand my geek horizon and review the odd gadgets I've either purchased or seriously considering to buy.
To kick things off I'm reviewing my shiny new purchase, the iPhone 4S. I would like you to believe that I brought this phone purely based on research and comparing against other leading Smartphone’s. That I’m afraid is a lie. With many things I get, I literally seen it and thought let’s give this a shot!
I got the iPhone 4S about a month ago so I'm still trying to figure out all the nooks and crannies, but so far so good. If you a total noObe to the iPhone like me or just want some handy tips, I suggest you check out my mate newcode YouTube video. I previously had the HTC Desire for about 9 months and I really loved it. The only downside it that when it comes to phones, I get bored really quickly. So when looking for the next phone, I allowed myself to get caught up in the hype of the Apple whirlwind and brought the white 64gb.
Knowing very little about the mechanics of the phone I did try to research it so i knew the basics. With a Dual-Core A5 chip, 8 mega pixel camera and the very smart assistant Siri, I had a feeling in my bones I'd have loads of fun. I find the interface really straight forward and the ability to sync the iPhone with my emails, laptop and iTunes easy enough. I got to admit that I thought I would struggle using my iPhone as a phone and as my iPod simply because I preferred to keep the two separate. As with most things I've resisted against, I was finally won over and now I can’t live without it.
All I hope now is that I don’t get bored anytime soon with the 4S and I hang onto it for more the 9 months!
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