So to remedy this insult I went out and brought myself Zelda Spirit Tracks, which I was meaning to get for a while. Now I'm currently stuck on the second boss (I know, the shame) but so far I am lovin' it. I am a Zelda fan and have always admire and tried to play as many of the games within the series. I would even go as far to say this is one of the few franchises which actually don't disappoint me with each new release.
Now onto the game itself. There is a legend that before time began the spirits had battled with the evil Demon King. As they were unable to defeat this demon, it was decided to lock the monster away in a tower with shackles to bind him. It is these very shackles that actually make up the spirit tracks themselves. Link lives in Outset Village where he is an apprentice train driver. On the day that Link has an audience with Princess Zelda to get his licence, the train tracks starts to disappear. So of course this spells total and utter disaster. To add to the drama, the Chancellor of Hyrule Cole has gone and attacked Link and Zelda, stealing Zelda’s body and leaving her spirit behind. With the land of Hyrule in jeopardy, it is up to Link and Princess Zelda, to try and save the day.
Although I am only a part way through the game, I am enjoying the game so far. With many of the titles within the series, Zelda Spirit Tracks don’t stray too much from the formula which has made this series so popular. The storyline appears to be solid and not too over complicated and wiffy as I seem to find in some games I play. During the game you get to travel the land on a mighty train which is pretty cool. You get to use the whistle to scare of potential attacks and as the game goes on you get upgrades such as a cannon. There are also interactive points where you get to use the mic on the DS in order to create whirlwinds and even play the panpipes.
With the combination of fights and puzzles, Zelda Spirit Tracks is like Professor Layton with bite. The only teeny tiny draw back I have is the control system. I am not 100% on the idea of using my stylus to control Link for I sometimes found it was slightly awkward and I would personally prefer to use the D-pad. Besides that, if you’re looking for a solid title which you can guarantee you’ll get your money’s worth I would suggest that this is a game for you.
1 comment:
Ohh Spirit Tracks. I still need to complete that and I've had it aaages :/ the funny looks I got for blowing and talking to my ds...
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