Being the second installment, the story continues following the COG squads battle to save the human race one more time. You play as the lead team member Marcus Phoenix, who through out this endless battle, discovers more about the enemy he has to fight.
Since it was announced in February I've been waiting with bated breath for it to be released. I watched all the trailers and booked the day off work so I could spend the whole day with my beloved GOW2. Once I broke the seal and placed the game in my 360 I held my breath and prayed that it won't be a uber naff game while it was loading. So the million dollar question was 'Would I be disappointed?' and the answer is...hell no!
From the moment I started playing, I was able to submerse myself into the game just as much as the first GOW. I played it through on the co-op mode and I loved every second of it. The controls are exactly the same so you can go straight into the action but if your feeling a little rusty you can always go through the in-game training mode. With this second installment, the game has now developed more of a background story by looking into fellow team member Dominic Santiago and his long search for his wife Maria. I thought it was a perfect touch to the game since it was not over played and it didn't take anything away from the main story or the intense action. New enemies such as the Grinder, Bloodmounts and Kantus to defeat, GOW2 has definitely not lost its edge.
Multi player has had a few extra touches where it now allows there to be five-on-five teams to play the vast new maps. With the addition of eight multi player modes such as Submission, which is a new take on 'capture the flag', where the flag is a hostile stranded.
As you can probably guess from my review I really enjoyed GOW 2. The story was interesting and the game play really sucked you into the action. But, I must admit, there was a small gap that wasn't completely filled by the second installment. Yes it was everything I wanted, yes it had the hardcore action plus the soft centre of the Doms story but I did hope that I would of had more answers about the actual story. 'Why was Marcus sent to prison', 'where exactly did the Horde come from' an so on an so forth...but I guess I have to wait until the third installment. I give GOW 2 a good ol' 4 out of 5!
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