I return to you slightly tired but still buzzing from my trip to the EuroGamer Expo. This was my first ever trip to a gaming expo so I was really excited to see what was going to be in store.
With my large bag filled with food, my fave book, DS and camera, me and my gaming troops (which consist of my hun Nathan, Ashley and his cool friend 'Frosty') got the 8am coach down to London and then hopped onto the underground train to Monument which got us literally minutes away from the venue. The EuroGamer Expo was based at the Old Billingsgate, which is right outside on the Thames river and the perfect venue for the large crowd that it brought.
The que was MASSIVE...but I know how to look enthusiastic while waiting!
After a good wait we were finally in and allowed to run riot on all the games. We got inside the venue at about midday and it was completely rammed. But then what could you expect. With two floors of games like God of War 3, Heavy Rain and Dante's Inferno...what do you expect! Many of the games which were available to play are already out, such as Fifa 10, Metroid Trilogy and Need for Speed: Shift, but its always great to see them in all their glory.
Now after making a lap to see what was on offer, me and the gaming troops made our way to the basement. After confirming with the scary bouncer that I am very much over the age of 18 (but hey it was nice to no I still look young right?!) we proceeded to enter the over 18 section in the basement.
It was all dark and spook I tell ya!
Now in this section of the basement, we were able to catch a few glimpse of God of War 3 Dante's Inferno and Hard Rain. I haven't really played any of the other games in either the God of War or Devil May Cry series so I was interested to see what was to offer. God of War 3 did look amazing. It had a medieval feel to it and the game play did flow really well.
Dante's Inferno was also cool to see as well. But I must say that the look of Dante's Inferno did scream God of War 3. I believe, if I can get this the right way round, Dante's sword energy bar was basically the same as Kratos energy bar. Now I can only judge on the snippet that I managed to see, for there was a lot of people surrounding both demos of the game, but I must say they both looked very promising.
As we mooched around the over 18 section, we also spotted Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer, for the Playstation 3. Not available until 2010 this game like the above games, we thought it looked absolutely beautiful. The game is very dark with very unique control system. now I didn't get a complete rundown of each of the buttons but I did find out that the right trigger will allow the character to move forward instead of the analogue stick. There was little action during the game play and it seems that if there was any, it would be quick time events. Quick time events are like a mini cut scene where you have to push certain buttons in order to complete your characters action, such as defending themselves. The story follows four characters, with one being confirmed as detective Scott Shelby. Other information about the game seems really sparsed but I am impressed so far.
As we mooched around the over 18 section, we also spotted Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer, for the Playstation 3. Not available until 2010 this game like the above games, we thought it looked absolutely beautiful. The game is very dark with very unique control system. now I didn't get a complete rundown of each of the buttons but I did find out that the right trigger will allow the character to move forward instead of the analogue stick. There was little action during the game play and it seems that if there was any, it would be quick time events. Quick time events are like a mini cut scene where you have to push certain buttons in order to complete your characters action, such as defending themselves. The story follows four characters, with one being confirmed as detective Scott Shelby. Other information about the game seems really sparsed but I am impressed so far.
While shopping for snacks, Detective Scott Shelby just couldn't find what he was after.
After having a stroll, the gaming troops had split up. Myself and Nathan had a snoop around the Wii section to find ourselves watching a run of Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. We managed to watch a match, where the players were using the Wii's arcade stick. Now I am absolutely hopeless when it comes to arcade sticks so I have the up most respect for anyone who can pull off any form of moves using it. So after the match was over we then had a chance to face the winning player. Nathan went first. During this demo, you were able to choose two characters and use them as a tag team. Nathan chose Ryu and Veiwtiful Joe while the unnamed player went for Zero and Megaman Volnet. The atmosphere was tense as I cheered Nathan on. Now we had an idea as to how this guy was going to play but I must admit I was still surprised. This guy obviously knew what he was doing. Nathan gave it his all but unfortunately he lost.
Tatsunoko Vs.Capcom selection screen
...Poor thing was like a lamb to the
slaughter...but he did put up a
mighty fight!
Then the moment I had been dreading...it was my turn. Now I knew this was not going to pan out well in the slightest but I thought what the hey...I'll give it a shot. So I chose Ryu and a female character who's name I didn't make a note of, while my opponent chose the same two characters as before, Zero and Megaman Volnet. I did give it my all while I cursed the fact that I just cannot use a arcade stick but and before I knew it, it was over. Now I've always have a soft spot for beat-em ups so this game was ticking all the boxes for me.
As I tried to explain why I was doing so pants in order to distract the other player as I attempted to win...my plan failed!
Nathan managed to have a go on a game called Split Second. This driving game was like a cross between Burnout and Need for Speed. In the demo I got to see, it was basically a driving game where you had to make split second decision in order to dodge the various obstacles. These included falling buildings, boulders and aeroplanes. When you crashed it went into the classic Burnout mini cut scene where it shows you what your car looks like before you then can continue the race.
The graphics on this game is amazing.
And my beautiful assistant showing off Split Second
But the one game that I must say that EVERYONE was excited about had to of been Bayonetta. As I reached the demo I stood there in confusion because I know I've seen some pictures of the heroine before but for the life of me I couldn't remember as to where. Anywhooo the game was so exciting. We all had a go and we were all drawn into it. I tried to resist after watching the amazing demo but I couldn't deny myself. You get to play as this kick ass female who is a witch. She has various weapons which included her suit being able to morph into a giant monster and her heels have guns on them which are usable. Again this game is not out until next year (nooo) but if reports are correct, it should be out by January 8! (hazar :D )
After a very long day of walking which caused my feet to burn like hell, Ashley, from the gaming troop had the idea of going to get some ice-cream. So after a 25 minute train ride, we all managed to get to Leicester Square to get to the ice-cream shop. Now before we got there we all hoped that the journey was truly worth it...and believe me it was. It was a Haagen Dazs shop so you knew the ice-cream was going to be good. Normally I am a Ben & Jerrys girl but I must admit I was definitely shown the amazingness of Haagen Dazs.
Queing outside of heaven!

The gaming troop are all smiles. Mmmm...Yummy Ice-cream!
As this was my first gaming event I've EVER been to I have to say it totally ROCKED. I cannot wait to go back next year. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more pictures, more details of the games I've played and (fingers crossed) some videos of the day out!