My dearest gaming followers!
Time has most certainly flew from the last time I put a's soo odd that in just (counting on me fingers) 2 weeks and 4 days it will be Christmas! But I must admit...I aint feeling very chrismasy at the this could be down to me getting older and no longer believing in santa, but I'm not getting that magical feeling that I should have now. It would help if lovely Bayonetta was coming out now and not January 8th (sigh). But I guess it gives me something to look forward to though...right?! Hopefully I'll be able to get into the mood before the big day comes!
So tell me....what have you asked for santa to bring you this time?
This blog is all about the world of games and what I love about it! I'll be writing reviews on all the games I've played, some retro, some new and some which are in between. So keep coming back to check for the latest reviews! :D
Monday, 7 December 2009
Sunday, 1 November 2009
To the EuroGamer Expo and back
I return to you slightly tired but still buzzing from my trip to the EuroGamer Expo. This was my first ever trip to a gaming expo so I was really excited to see what was going to be in store.
With my large bag filled with food, my fave book, DS and camera, me and my gaming troops (which consist of my hun Nathan, Ashley and his cool friend 'Frosty') got the 8am coach down to London and then hopped onto the underground train to Monument which got us literally minutes away from the venue. The EuroGamer Expo was based at the Old Billingsgate, which is right outside on the Thames river and the perfect venue for the large crowd that it brought.
The que was MASSIVE...but I know how to look enthusiastic while waiting!
After a good wait we were finally in and allowed to run riot on all the games. We got inside the venue at about midday and it was completely rammed. But then what could you expect. With two floors of games like God of War 3, Heavy Rain and Dante's Inferno...what do you expect! Many of the games which were available to play are already out, such as Fifa 10, Metroid Trilogy and Need for Speed: Shift, but its always great to see them in all their glory.
Now after making a lap to see what was on offer, me and the gaming troops made our way to the basement. After confirming with the scary bouncer that I am very much over the age of 18 (but hey it was nice to no I still look young right?!) we proceeded to enter the over 18 section in the basement.
It was all dark and spook I tell ya!
Now in this section of the basement, we were able to catch a few glimpse of God of War 3 Dante's Inferno and Hard Rain. I haven't really played any of the other games in either the God of War or Devil May Cry series so I was interested to see what was to offer. God of War 3 did look amazing. It had a medieval feel to it and the game play did flow really well.
Dante's Inferno was also cool to see as well. But I must say that the look of Dante's Inferno did scream God of War 3. I believe, if I can get this the right way round, Dante's sword energy bar was basically the same as Kratos energy bar. Now I can only judge on the snippet that I managed to see, for there was a lot of people surrounding both demos of the game, but I must say they both looked very promising.
As we mooched around the over 18 section, we also spotted Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer, for the Playstation 3. Not available until 2010 this game like the above games, we thought it looked absolutely beautiful. The game is very dark with very unique control system. now I didn't get a complete rundown of each of the buttons but I did find out that the right trigger will allow the character to move forward instead of the analogue stick. There was little action during the game play and it seems that if there was any, it would be quick time events. Quick time events are like a mini cut scene where you have to push certain buttons in order to complete your characters action, such as defending themselves. The story follows four characters, with one being confirmed as detective Scott Shelby. Other information about the game seems really sparsed but I am impressed so far.
As we mooched around the over 18 section, we also spotted Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer, for the Playstation 3. Not available until 2010 this game like the above games, we thought it looked absolutely beautiful. The game is very dark with very unique control system. now I didn't get a complete rundown of each of the buttons but I did find out that the right trigger will allow the character to move forward instead of the analogue stick. There was little action during the game play and it seems that if there was any, it would be quick time events. Quick time events are like a mini cut scene where you have to push certain buttons in order to complete your characters action, such as defending themselves. The story follows four characters, with one being confirmed as detective Scott Shelby. Other information about the game seems really sparsed but I am impressed so far.
While shopping for snacks, Detective Scott Shelby just couldn't find what he was after.
After having a stroll, the gaming troops had split up. Myself and Nathan had a snoop around the Wii section to find ourselves watching a run of Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. We managed to watch a match, where the players were using the Wii's arcade stick. Now I am absolutely hopeless when it comes to arcade sticks so I have the up most respect for anyone who can pull off any form of moves using it. So after the match was over we then had a chance to face the winning player. Nathan went first. During this demo, you were able to choose two characters and use them as a tag team. Nathan chose Ryu and Veiwtiful Joe while the unnamed player went for Zero and Megaman Volnet. The atmosphere was tense as I cheered Nathan on. Now we had an idea as to how this guy was going to play but I must admit I was still surprised. This guy obviously knew what he was doing. Nathan gave it his all but unfortunately he lost.
Tatsunoko Vs.Capcom selection screen
...Poor thing was like a lamb to the
slaughter...but he did put up a
mighty fight!
Then the moment I had been was my turn. Now I knew this was not going to pan out well in the slightest but I thought what the hey...I'll give it a shot. So I chose Ryu and a female character who's name I didn't make a note of, while my opponent chose the same two characters as before, Zero and Megaman Volnet. I did give it my all while I cursed the fact that I just cannot use a arcade stick but and before I knew it, it was over. Now I've always have a soft spot for beat-em ups so this game was ticking all the boxes for me.
As I tried to explain why I was doing so pants in order to distract the other player as I attempted to plan failed!
Nathan managed to have a go on a game called Split Second. This driving game was like a cross between Burnout and Need for Speed. In the demo I got to see, it was basically a driving game where you had to make split second decision in order to dodge the various obstacles. These included falling buildings, boulders and aeroplanes. When you crashed it went into the classic Burnout mini cut scene where it shows you what your car looks like before you then can continue the race.
The graphics on this game is amazing.
And my beautiful assistant showing off Split Second
But the one game that I must say that EVERYONE was excited about had to of been Bayonetta. As I reached the demo I stood there in confusion because I know I've seen some pictures of the heroine before but for the life of me I couldn't remember as to where. Anywhooo the game was so exciting. We all had a go and we were all drawn into it. I tried to resist after watching the amazing demo but I couldn't deny myself. You get to play as this kick ass female who is a witch. She has various weapons which included her suit being able to morph into a giant monster and her heels have guns on them which are usable. Again this game is not out until next year (nooo) but if reports are correct, it should be out by January 8! (hazar :D )
After a very long day of walking which caused my feet to burn like hell, Ashley, from the gaming troop had the idea of going to get some ice-cream. So after a 25 minute train ride, we all managed to get to Leicester Square to get to the ice-cream shop. Now before we got there we all hoped that the journey was truly worth it...and believe me it was. It was a Haagen Dazs shop so you knew the ice-cream was going to be good. Normally I am a Ben & Jerrys girl but I must admit I was definitely shown the amazingness of Haagen Dazs.
Queing outside of heaven!

The gaming troop are all smiles. Mmmm...Yummy Ice-cream!
As this was my first gaming event I've EVER been to I have to say it totally ROCKED. I cannot wait to go back next year. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more pictures, more details of the games I've played and (fingers crossed) some videos of the day out!
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Dead Rising
My dearest readers.
It has been a mighty long time since I have done a blog and that I do apologise. As I am sure I have mentioned in my last post, I have been struck by the illness commonly know as lazy-itus. This has disabled my zest for blogging and for doing anything which would take more then five minutes to perform. Lucky for me I have now made a full recovery and I'm fighting fit to give you what you have been waiting for!
As promised, this next blog was for the game Dear Rising, available on the Xbox 360. Now, I have had this game since I first got my Xbox which according to my gamer stats, was two years ago. Back then I had a small t.v and dvd combo, which as you can guess, wasn't filled with any high tech magic, but it got me through my first steps of playing high def games. While playing Dead Rising, unfortunately I was unable to enjoy it to the max simply because I couldn't read the flaming text. As soon as something important came up on the screen and I spent goodness knows how long trying to decipher the very tiny writing, it would disappear. After consulting my friends about this, I was told that the text was made for a HD ready t.v. So finally this year, as a treat for my birthday I got myself a 23" HD ready piece of hotness and I must admit that it has taken my gaming to a whole new level. Graphics look sharper and more defined then I could imagine, allowing me to fall in love with my games again.

Now as I was going through the games that i own, I decided to give Dead Rising a spin and see if I could get the game play that I expected from my little dvd, t.v combo. As the disc span and I watched the cut scene I must admit that I did get excited. I wanted to give the game a proper chance so I decided to start from the beginning. Now I do try to be as impartial as possible when it comes to reviews. Yes I am going to be biased because the games that I review are games that i went out and spent money on, but I always try to give a balanced argument. Unfortunately, for Dead Rising, I am unable to give this game my all. The concept of the game is ok. You play as a reporter,Frank West, who goes to a small town to find out what has happened to its inhabitants. While making his way via helicopter he notices that nothing is what it seems, it appears that zombies have started to consume the town. The only way to get any answers, Frank heads to the last place where survivors have found refuge...the mall. As the daring reporter that you are, you have give yourself 72 hours to get the scoop and get back to the helicopter without being left behind.
During the game, you are able to pick up different items, which you can find in a mall, including a lawn mower and use it to take out any zombie that gets in your way. Now this I must say is a very fun part of the game. Its really interesting to see what different objects you can use to smack the walking dead. But I must say that there aint anything else I found remotely impressing with the rest of the game. I think the biggest bug bear that I found while playing would be that practically everything you did in the game, a load screen would follow. If you move to another part of the mall, a load screen appears, if you see a cut sequence, load screen. Now I do understand that you need a load screen, for it obviously allows the game to load and the examples I have give is quite pants but it really did get on my nerves. Unfortunately, I have given up completely on this game and have decided to ignore the fact that I once brought it.
I do hope my (barely) review doesn't put you off giving this game a whirl, for it may just push your buttons, but I'm afraid it was more 'Oh please' then 'Argh SCREAM!'. Dead Rising only gets a U.F.G score of 0.5 out of 5.
It has been a mighty long time since I have done a blog and that I do apologise. As I am sure I have mentioned in my last post, I have been struck by the illness commonly know as lazy-itus. This has disabled my zest for blogging and for doing anything which would take more then five minutes to perform. Lucky for me I have now made a full recovery and I'm fighting fit to give you what you have been waiting for!
As promised, this next blog was for the game Dear Rising, available on the Xbox 360. Now, I have had this game since I first got my Xbox which according to my gamer stats, was two years ago. Back then I had a small t.v and dvd combo, which as you can guess, wasn't filled with any high tech magic, but it got me through my first steps of playing high def games. While playing Dead Rising, unfortunately I was unable to enjoy it to the max simply because I couldn't read the flaming text. As soon as something important came up on the screen and I spent goodness knows how long trying to decipher the very tiny writing, it would disappear. After consulting my friends about this, I was told that the text was made for a HD ready t.v. So finally this year, as a treat for my birthday I got myself a 23" HD ready piece of hotness and I must admit that it has taken my gaming to a whole new level. Graphics look sharper and more defined then I could imagine, allowing me to fall in love with my games again.
Now as I was going through the games that i own, I decided to give Dead Rising a spin and see if I could get the game play that I expected from my little dvd, t.v combo. As the disc span and I watched the cut scene I must admit that I did get excited. I wanted to give the game a proper chance so I decided to start from the beginning. Now I do try to be as impartial as possible when it comes to reviews. Yes I am going to be biased because the games that I review are games that i went out and spent money on, but I always try to give a balanced argument. Unfortunately, for Dead Rising, I am unable to give this game my all. The concept of the game is ok. You play as a reporter,Frank West, who goes to a small town to find out what has happened to its inhabitants. While making his way via helicopter he notices that nothing is what it seems, it appears that zombies have started to consume the town. The only way to get any answers, Frank heads to the last place where survivors have found refuge...the mall. As the daring reporter that you are, you have give yourself 72 hours to get the scoop and get back to the helicopter without being left behind.
During the game, you are able to pick up different items, which you can find in a mall, including a lawn mower and use it to take out any zombie that gets in your way. Now this I must say is a very fun part of the game. Its really interesting to see what different objects you can use to smack the walking dead. But I must say that there aint anything else I found remotely impressing with the rest of the game. I think the biggest bug bear that I found while playing would be that practically everything you did in the game, a load screen would follow. If you move to another part of the mall, a load screen appears, if you see a cut sequence, load screen. Now I do understand that you need a load screen, for it obviously allows the game to load and the examples I have give is quite pants but it really did get on my nerves. Unfortunately, I have given up completely on this game and have decided to ignore the fact that I once brought it.
I do hope my (barely) review doesn't put you off giving this game a whirl, for it may just push your buttons, but I'm afraid it was more 'Oh please' then 'Argh SCREAM!'. Dead Rising only gets a U.F.G score of 0.5 out of 5.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Oh my giddy giddy gum drops!
Oh my has been a mighty long time since I've written a review and my fellow readers I do apologise. I have been side tracked from my next gaming review after playing continuous hours of Guitar Hero: World Tour and Professor Layton and Pandora's Box, which I shall be doing reviews for the both shortly! :D
Make sure to look out for my next review of the only zombie game I have in my collection....Dead Rising
Make sure to look out for my next review of the only zombie game I have in my collection....Dead Rising
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Ask auntie U.F.G :)
Again another delayed post I was meant to of done yonks ago but only just remembered, as I sit here typing into the wee hours of the morning when I should be in bed sleeping...I'm such a rebel!
I thought I'd give all fellow readers, be it subscribers or just passers, the chance to drop me a question. If you have any questions about my previous posts, about games or you just wana send me a yo yo yo, you now can, just send it to
I thought I'd give all fellow readers, be it subscribers or just passers, the chance to drop me a question. If you have any questions about my previous posts, about games or you just wana send me a yo yo yo, you now can, just send it to
To slim PS3 or not to slim PS3
Good evenin' gang...or morning (it is 2:30 am!)
I just thought I'd do a mini post about the slim PS3, which I would of done earlier today...but it was such a BEAUTIFUL day. The sun was out (which we all know is a rare occurrence in England) and the skies were clear and blue (which is even rarer) so I had to bask in it before the gloomy Autumn kicks in. Anyway....
As many of you already know, the slimline PS3 came out on the 1st of September to the price of £250. For 120g of scrummy storage space, which is great since the PS3 is rockin' the BBCiplayer function and of course theres the Play Tv which is also just great so to have that much space for that price and with having Bluray it's just nuts to not get it. The only set back was how the slim PS3 looked like. Now when my boyfriend seen this...lets just say he was not impressed and when I seen it I was repulsed by it and thought nope not for me. But I must say that I actually was wrong about it (now I rarely say I'm wrong so please take the time to bask in it!). I've managed to see it in the flesh per say and its actually pretty cute. Unfortunately its not the same shiny plastic like the bigger PS3, its like a brushed plastic, if that makes any sense. And the eject and power buttons are actually physical buttons and not like the biometric type buttons the larger counter part has, but beyond that it does look adorable! Just need to save up me pennies (and stop spending my money on takeaways!) and FINALLY get one!
I just thought I'd do a mini post about the slim PS3, which I would of done earlier today...but it was such a BEAUTIFUL day. The sun was out (which we all know is a rare occurrence in England) and the skies were clear and blue (which is even rarer) so I had to bask in it before the gloomy Autumn kicks in. Anyway....
As many of you already know, the slimline PS3 came out on the 1st of September to the price of £250. For 120g of scrummy storage space, which is great since the PS3 is rockin' the BBCiplayer function and of course theres the Play Tv which is also just great so to have that much space for that price and with having Bluray it's just nuts to not get it. The only set back was how the slim PS3 looked like. Now when my boyfriend seen this...lets just say he was not impressed and when I seen it I was repulsed by it and thought nope not for me. But I must say that I actually was wrong about it (now I rarely say I'm wrong so please take the time to bask in it!). I've managed to see it in the flesh per say and its actually pretty cute. Unfortunately its not the same shiny plastic like the bigger PS3, its like a brushed plastic, if that makes any sense. And the eject and power buttons are actually physical buttons and not like the biometric type buttons the larger counter part has, but beyond that it does look adorable! Just need to save up me pennies (and stop spending my money on takeaways!) and FINALLY get one!
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Ready Up, up and away!
Just a quick sticky bickie for you all.
I recently was asked to become a contributor for a kick-ass website called Ready Up! who specialises on blogs and reviews on all things lovely and to do with games.
Its absolutely cool that I was asked and I finally got to add my very first post on there site two weeks ago which was awesome. It is very delayed for me to say this but then I got there in the end! Make sure you check out the site and get involved with the really cool forums.
I recently was asked to become a contributor for a kick-ass website called Ready Up! who specialises on blogs and reviews on all things lovely and to do with games.
Its absolutely cool that I was asked and I finally got to add my very first post on there site two weeks ago which was awesome. It is very delayed for me to say this but then I got there in the end! Make sure you check out the site and get involved with the really cool forums.
Beautiful Katamari
I've just realised how long its been since I've done a review. I do apologise for the delay...I've simply been uber lazy recently but hey...I finally got my review done so please enjoy!
I thought with my next review I go all Japanorama on ya and do a review of Beautiful Katamari which is available for the Xbox 360. Now this game has come out for the Playstation 2 and the PSPa and has become as rare as rocking horse poo (yea I said it!). Now your probably all thinking why of all the games released would this be so darn popular? Well I'm hoping to explain all in the following review.
Beautiful Katamari, the sequel to Me & My Katamari, follows the story of the King's son the Prince as he tries to save the world. Unfortunately the King has created a black hole while playing a rigours game of tennis (yeah that's exactly what happened). The black hole has gotten bigger, it has sucked up all the planets and stars, so its your job to roll up various Katamari's in order to replace them.
There are in total thirteen levels with the option to buy more via Xbox Live. Each of them have different time constraints, different size katamari's to build and different types of items to collect to create a planet. With each level, your Katamari starts at different sizes and your placed into different locations. The initial size of your Katamari you start off with and the time your given can usually dictate as to how far you can progress. But here is a challenge to all my readers, can you make your Katamari bigger then the target?
Now here is a tip for you guys to get a higher score. After each roll, if you have just reached your target size, the King usually gives you a rubbish score and tells you to do better...which is pretty naff. The only way to avoid this, get a better score and to get a sparkling review from the King you need to completely smash, and I mean SMASH the target. If you can get the biggest size Katamari as you can, be it double, triple or even ten times the size needed. This may take you a couple of goes but believe me its all worth it! Now don't worry about only going over certain items for what has happened is that in each level the majority of stuff you need to get just so happens to be what you actually need. So get rolling everyone!
I got this game when it first came out and I recently thought to play it. Now I must say I did forget how fun this game is. I've even got non Katamari fans to give it a whirl and now there just as addicted to it as I am!(and yes my sweet that comment was about you!)
The game play is very simple so even the less experienced gamer can give it a shot. You control the Katamari using the two analogue sticks, which allows you to move forward, backward and even to flip over the Katamari when you get stuck (which can happen a lot)...and that's it. As your playing it, you do find yourself getting even more excited when your Katamari is big enough to pick up more weird and wonderful people, spaceships and even continents! The Japanese pop sound track compliments the game to a 'T' and believe me you'll be trying to sing to each and every track before you even know it.
If I was to moan about the game...I guess the only thing I could think of is how mean the King can be when it comes to scoring your Katamari after you finished the level. At first it was mega annoying that after playing the same level at least 3 times and only collecting the items required you can't get a score over 40. But if you follow my top tip which is above, you'll see your score improve dramatically.
Now this game may sound extremely random, which it is, but it's definitely one of those gaming gems I'd recommend everyone to at least give the demo a try. The demo is still available from Xbox Live. With all that taken into consideration I give Beautiful Katamari a handy U.F.G score of...4.5 out of 5! Keep on rollin'!
Saturday, 29 August 2009
The results are in...What's your favorite console?
I've only just realised that I still haven't done a post to announce the winners of my recent poll.
Now you may have already seen the results at the size, but I do love doing a post about it...anyway. Many of you had taken the time out to vote and for that I'm uber grateful for. So here in ascending order, the results for What's your favorite console.
In joint 4th place is... Nintendo 64, Mega Drive, NES, and the GameCube
3rd is Dreamcast
Joint 2nd is Playstation 3, Wii and the Playstation 2
But in 1st with 6 votes is....Xbox 360!
Thanks to all of you who voted this time. Make sure to keep your gamer eye peeled for my up coming poll! :D
Now you may have already seen the results at the size, but I do love doing a post about it...anyway. Many of you had taken the time out to vote and for that I'm uber grateful for. So here in ascending order, the results for What's your favorite console.
In joint 4th place is... Nintendo 64, Mega Drive, NES, and the GameCube
3rd is Dreamcast
Joint 2nd is Playstation 3, Wii and the Playstation 2
But in 1st with 6 votes is....Xbox 360!
Thanks to all of you who voted this time. Make sure to keep your gamer eye peeled for my up coming poll! :D
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Get voting!
Hey gang,
Just a reminder to you all that you only have 11 days until the poll is closed.
Are you a PS3 nut, maybe your a Xbox 360 fan or you may even have a soft spot for anything retro and believe the Mastersystem or Megadrive was the awesome-ist console ever...if this is how you feel then make sure you get your vote in before the time runs out!
Just a reminder to you all that you only have 11 days until the poll is closed.
Are you a PS3 nut, maybe your a Xbox 360 fan or you may even have a soft spot for anything retro and believe the Mastersystem or Megadrive was the awesome-ist console ever...if this is how you feel then make sure you get your vote in before the time runs out!
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Now as I’ve said before, this blog was something that I should have done AGES ago but it’s finally done! My long awaited review of Professor Layton and the Curious Village.
Set in the town of St. Mystere, you play as the Professor and his nifty (and yes he is nifty) assistant Luke. Called in by the late Baron’s family, your task is to find clues and to solve the mystery behind his will. The only clue they have to go on is that they need to find The Golden Apple. Not having a clue as to where to find it, it is up to the fearless duo to go and search for it. The best way to start any investigation is to always ask the residents. But St. Mystere is no ordinary town. In order to get any information, you have to answer the many riddles and brainteasers the villagers give to you. Also along your travels you can find additional puzzles so make sure you keep your eyes peeled. As with any other DS game, you get to interact with it by using the touch screen. During the game play it’s the stylus that you use to move around the village by tapping the arrows you see on the screen. You also use your stylus to interact with residents, who can give you a puzzle or even a hint to help you on your way. The game has over 130 puzzles within the game but you also can download additional puzzles, which are available weekly via the Nintendo Wi-fi. To set this up is very quick and simple to do. Instructions of how to set this up can be found in the instruction booklet. Now dearest readers you don’t need to worry if your not a boffin when it comes to figuring out puzzles for you have the chance to earn hint coins know as Picarats. These helpful coins can give you the chance to buy hints for puzzles helping you to solve them. These coins are available after completing puzzles . The fewer hints you use to solve them, the more Picarats you can get. Here’s a tip for you! It is highly advised that when you’re moving around the town and going from room to room, to tap different parts of each scene when you have a chance for you can find not only hidden Picarats but hidden puzzles.
Now its time for a mini story about how I brought the game. When the game was about to be released, I had a £5.00 voucher which I planned to use against the game. Now I had a great feeling about it and thought I should follow my gut feeling and get it as soon as possible. Upon reflection I am so glad I did for it sold like hot cakes! So many shops had sold out and those that had preowned copies were charging the full price, so you can imagine how chuffed I was that I got it without any problems.
Anyway this game lived up to my expectations. It allowed me to feed my need to solve puzzles and to realise that I’m not that good at it, while it had a great storyline which kept you guessing. The music and the many cut scenes which you get to see during game play, I thought were absolutely amazing and were more then I expected from this game. The game play is very easy to pick up and the touch screen I found was very responsive. This is very helpful since you do find yourself tapping the screen like crazy. As with any other game, you may believe that you have to be into puzzle solving to enjoy the game, which of course does help, but I think that if your willing to play something which can give you a challenge then this could be for you.
For younger or impatient gamers it may be frustrating for you to play this for there are some puzzles which just seem absolutely impossible to solve. This can obviously deter you from the game for it did sort of put me off at times, but if your willing to power through and if all else fails, ask someone else to help (which I will hold my hands up and say I had to) then you shouldn’t have too many problems. As you may already know, this is the first instalment out of three games which are due to be released in the Professor Layton series. Providing that the others can produce a game as highly enjoyable and challenging as this, I can see no reason as to why this wouldn’t be a hit…again!
Professor Layton gets a healthy U.F.G score of 4 out of 5!
Set in the town of St. Mystere, you play as the Professor and his nifty (and yes he is nifty) assistant Luke. Called in by the late Baron’s family, your task is to find clues and to solve the mystery behind his will. The only clue they have to go on is that they need to find The Golden Apple. Not having a clue as to where to find it, it is up to the fearless duo to go and search for it. The best way to start any investigation is to always ask the residents. But St. Mystere is no ordinary town. In order to get any information, you have to answer the many riddles and brainteasers the villagers give to you. Also along your travels you can find additional puzzles so make sure you keep your eyes peeled. As with any other DS game, you get to interact with it by using the touch screen. During the game play it’s the stylus that you use to move around the village by tapping the arrows you see on the screen. You also use your stylus to interact with residents, who can give you a puzzle or even a hint to help you on your way. The game has over 130 puzzles within the game but you also can download additional puzzles, which are available weekly via the Nintendo Wi-fi. To set this up is very quick and simple to do. Instructions of how to set this up can be found in the instruction booklet. Now dearest readers you don’t need to worry if your not a boffin when it comes to figuring out puzzles for you have the chance to earn hint coins know as Picarats. These helpful coins can give you the chance to buy hints for puzzles helping you to solve them. These coins are available after completing puzzles . The fewer hints you use to solve them, the more Picarats you can get. Here’s a tip for you! It is highly advised that when you’re moving around the town and going from room to room, to tap different parts of each scene when you have a chance for you can find not only hidden Picarats but hidden puzzles.
Now its time for a mini story about how I brought the game. When the game was about to be released, I had a £5.00 voucher which I planned to use against the game. Now I had a great feeling about it and thought I should follow my gut feeling and get it as soon as possible. Upon reflection I am so glad I did for it sold like hot cakes! So many shops had sold out and those that had preowned copies were charging the full price, so you can imagine how chuffed I was that I got it without any problems.
Anyway this game lived up to my expectations. It allowed me to feed my need to solve puzzles and to realise that I’m not that good at it, while it had a great storyline which kept you guessing. The music and the many cut scenes which you get to see during game play, I thought were absolutely amazing and were more then I expected from this game. The game play is very easy to pick up and the touch screen I found was very responsive. This is very helpful since you do find yourself tapping the screen like crazy. As with any other game, you may believe that you have to be into puzzle solving to enjoy the game, which of course does help, but I think that if your willing to play something which can give you a challenge then this could be for you.
For younger or impatient gamers it may be frustrating for you to play this for there are some puzzles which just seem absolutely impossible to solve. This can obviously deter you from the game for it did sort of put me off at times, but if your willing to power through and if all else fails, ask someone else to help (which I will hold my hands up and say I had to) then you shouldn’t have too many problems. As you may already know, this is the first instalment out of three games which are due to be released in the Professor Layton series. Providing that the others can produce a game as highly enjoyable and challenging as this, I can see no reason as to why this wouldn’t be a hit…again!
Professor Layton gets a healthy U.F.G score of 4 out of 5!
Friday, 31 July 2009
Hey gang...
Just a random post but as I was checking out my blog I noticed that I managed to get 100 views! Now it may not sound a hell of a lot but believe me it means so much to me to know that your reading my blog.
I also cannot forget to mention those who are following my blog and have also made guys totally ROCK! I've been working really hard to get my blog out there for this truly is my passion so to see you guys making such an gives me the drive to not only keep blogging but to also think about how to expand and make this the best blog ever!
Well that's enough of me getting all emotional...look out for my new blog for Professor Layton and the Curious Village which will be up very soon!
Just a random post but as I was checking out my blog I noticed that I managed to get 100 views! Now it may not sound a hell of a lot but believe me it means so much to me to know that your reading my blog.
I also cannot forget to mention those who are following my blog and have also made guys totally ROCK! I've been working really hard to get my blog out there for this truly is my passion so to see you guys making such an gives me the drive to not only keep blogging but to also think about how to expand and make this the best blog ever!
Well that's enough of me getting all emotional...look out for my new blog for Professor Layton and the Curious Village which will be up very soon!
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Zelda: Majora's Mask
So onto the review for Zelda: Majora’s Mask (Z.M.M). Released on the Nintendo 64 in 2000, this title came out about a year after Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Now this particular Zelda is very different from the previously released games and it seems that it may have been overlooked simply because of how AMAZING Zelda: Ocarina of Time was. So I thought I’d give the ‘underdog’ a review instead.
This story follows Link as he is thrown into an alternate universe, called Termina, after a brief encounter with a mischievous Skull Kid who is wearing the evil Majora’s Mask. Upon your arrival, you learn have 72 hours to not only retrieve the mask but to also stop the moon from crashing down on Termina. Now I know you’re probably thinking that this would be near impossible to achieve this feat…which it actually would be for there is way too much to do in this game. So that’s where your ocarina comes into effect. Once you’ve learnt the “Song of Time” you have the chance to relive the 72 hours all over again and save the world from its inevitable doom. This song also allows you to skip through time and more importantly, slow it down.
Also in this game, you get to collect up to 24 masks, which you get from doing good deeds and beating bosses. Many of these masks are essential in order to actually progress in the game and there usually straight forward to get. The other masks you find are for doing good deeds for the many towns’ people in Termina. The general misconception of this is that a lot of people believe that you need to get them all before you can finish the game, which is not true. You can get to the end without all masks and finish it without any problems but if you can get all 24 masks, you can get the final mask, the Fierce Deity, just as you go to fight the final boss, Majora’s Mask. Here’s a tip, if you can get the final mask it will make the final fight a hell of a lot easier so keep looking!
Now I’m currently still playing this game and it has been years since I’ve played it and I totally forgot how hard it can actually be. You’re constantly looking at the time while trying to complete the task at hand before the 72 hours are up, for of course, when you go back in time any progress made will be lost. And before you worry, you do get to keep the items and songs you’ve acquired so no need to panic. This game I think is a definite for any Zelda fan out there, who doesn’t mind a slight change to the normal Zelda format. The land of Hyrule is not being saved and Zelda doesn’t make as much of an appearance this time, but it still manages to hold its own and offer any fan the same thrill that the Zelda series gives. When playing the game you do notice that it seems to be divided into two parts; fighting bosses and collecting all the masks. Yet it does blend the two together so it does balance out.
Now I do apologise that I am biased for this particular Zelda for I did love it when it was first brought and now I’m getting back into it now, I’m falling in love with it all over again. I guess the only downside to it would be that you have to relive the 72 hours over and over again. It’s even more of a pain when your in the middle of a fight, or in my case, trying to get to the boss, and you run out of time and you have to repeat it all again (but don’t worry, I got to the end with 6 hours to spare..pheew!). Its also a shame that when you have completed any tasks, its not saved. But it is great if you enjoyed that particular mission.
So what score does Z.M.M get I hear you cry?! Well, the game still maintains many of its Zelda qualities while being able to have its own unique twist. This game has managed to live up to my expectations without leaving me feel disappointed (I refer you my blog for Metroid 3…my heart is still broken!). As you may of guessed it, I couldn’t find much to fault this game, only the downside is repeating the 72 hours so for that Z.M.M gets a healthy U.F.G score of 4.5. May the Triforce be with you!
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Twitter away
Random post you guys...but I thought I'd point out that I've added a link to my Twitter profile. So now you can follow my random ramblings as well as my gaming reviews. I've also learned that you can find my post via Google! How cool is that?! All you need to do is type in 'Urban Female Gamer blog' and Bobs your uncle!
What's your favorite console?
Another poll is up and running so make sure you vote for your fave console. There's a huge selection to chose from but I' m sure there are some I've missed. If you can think of any more make sure to let me know by posting a comment!
Happy voting! :D
Happy voting! :D
Thursday, 23 July 2009
The next poll is...
Hey everyone!
While I'm in the middle of writing my new blog for a retro game I've been playing, I was thinking of ideas for another poll. As you already know the next poll is 'What is your favorite console?' which will be posted in the next day or so , but I wanted to ask if any of you guys had any suggestions of what the following polls could be?
If you have any ideas, either leave a comment on this blog or send me a message!
While I'm in the middle of writing my new blog for a retro game I've been playing, I was thinking of ideas for another poll. As you already know the next poll is 'What is your favorite console?' which will be posted in the next day or so , but I wanted to ask if any of you guys had any suggestions of what the following polls could be?
If you have any ideas, either leave a comment on this blog or send me a message!
Babes in Blogland
Hey guys,
I've recently joined a blog ring which I stumbled on last night. For those who are unsure as to what it is, it's basically a sight where you can find the latest blogs. You can either find a blog depending on the category, or if you feeling brave you could make your own blog ring, giving blogger like myself the chance to promote and share their blogs. I'm apart of two rings, one is called Babes in Blogland, which is a community of blogs created by women and the second is The Video Game Girl Community!
There are oodles of blogs on the site and I'm sure you can find something to entertain yourself with. To find out more make sure to click the link for Babes in Blogland which can be found on the side of my blog or go to the website:
Happy bloggin'!
I've recently joined a blog ring which I stumbled on last night. For those who are unsure as to what it is, it's basically a sight where you can find the latest blogs. You can either find a blog depending on the category, or if you feeling brave you could make your own blog ring, giving blogger like myself the chance to promote and share their blogs. I'm apart of two rings, one is called Babes in Blogland, which is a community of blogs created by women and the second is The Video Game Girl Community!
There are oodles of blogs on the site and I'm sure you can find something to entertain yourself with. To find out more make sure to click the link for Babes in Blogland which can be found on the side of my blog or go to the website:
Happy bloggin'!
Monday, 20 July 2009
The results are in...Whos your all time gaming hero?
Now this was thrown together at the last minute and only six characters were chosen but hey, bigger and better polls are to come!
Now only 5 of you voted which is a small number but its awesome that you did so thanks, so I'll just put in reverse order the winner of the U.F.G All Time Gaming Hero!
In 3rd place with the total of one vote is...Link from the Zelda gaming series
And in joint 1st with two votes each...Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog!
Now did your fave character make it or was the character you idolise even on the list? I would love to hear your comments on the recent poll and who you think should of been on the list...who knows I may just do the poll again!
For the next up coming poll I was thinking to find out what is everyone favorite console is?There will be the obvious and a few golden oldies so make sure you get you votes in!
Now only 5 of you voted which is a small number but its awesome that you did so thanks, so I'll just put in reverse order the winner of the U.F.G All Time Gaming Hero!
In 3rd place with the total of one vote is...Link from the Zelda gaming series
And in joint 1st with two votes each...Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog!
Now did your fave character make it or was the character you idolise even on the list? I would love to hear your comments on the recent poll and who you think should of been on the list...who knows I may just do the poll again!
For the next up coming poll I was thinking to find out what is everyone favorite console is?There will be the obvious and a few golden oldies so make sure you get you votes in!
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Diner Dash
When a shift has been completed successfully, you have the chance to revamp the furniture within the restaurant in order to attract more customers. Also added items including a desert cart, a drinks machine and a welcome desk, are given at different points of the levels, allowing you to give your diners a complete service.
I originally played this on the P.C many years ago and was only recently reminded of how good the game was when I played a similar version of this game on my niece’s laptop. After days of searching, I managed to track a pre-owned copy of the game and I haven’t put it down since!
My only grievance with this game is that I have found that when tapping the screen to move Flo to different tables and when arranging customers so I can try and match them up to the same colours, it seems to not recognise where I’ve tapped and make Flo to the next part of the screen or mess up my colour combo. This can be very frustrating and happens more then I care to remember but it doesn’t take away any of the fun from the game and how great it really is. I feel that this game is perfect for the DS, and for that it gets a U.F.G score of 4 out of 5!
Sunday, 12 July 2009
My Lovely Pink control pad
Just a very random post I know but I managed to get my hands on a pink Xbox 360 control pad. At first I didn't really think to get one since I didn't see the appeal immediately but then once the left bumper button on my original pad went wonky, it was only right to get a new pad which just looked the part.
I went to many shops and to my dismay I was told that they were sold out for both the pink and blue pads were available for a limited time only. I was so gutted! But after much searching and asking I finally found both the pad and the pink rechargeable battery.
So now I'm able to kick ass and have a gorgeous looking pad!
Eurogamer Expo 2009
Who's going to the Eurogamer Expo??? I'm going to the Eurogamer Expo!
Unfortunately I missed it last year so I'm really looking forward to seeing the Expo when it passes through London on October 30th. Tickets are £6 per day and the event, which is also in Leeds on the 27th and 28th of October and the 31th of October in London, starts at 11 am and finishes at 8pm. I will be taking as many pictures as I possibly can and will be putting them up on my lovely blog!
Make sure you grab your ticket at
Unfortunately I missed it last year so I'm really looking forward to seeing the Expo when it passes through London on October 30th. Tickets are £6 per day and the event, which is also in Leeds on the 27th and 28th of October and the 31th of October in London, starts at 11 am and finishes at 8pm. I will be taking as many pictures as I possibly can and will be putting them up on my lovely blog!
Make sure you grab your ticket at
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Street Fighter 4
This will be the first post I've done for 2009 and I can hear you all asking why this is? Well I've been gaming my little ass off so I can bring you brand new reviews for the games I've been playing! The first game I have to review has to be the one game I have been looking forward to for absolutely AGES...Street Fighter 4!
Oh yes I could not wait for this to come out. I was teased by the trailers and set my sights on getting the limited edition and then it was here and it was out on my birthday (just thought I'd add that nugget of information). So, was all the hype and the anticipation all worth it?
As with any game that you can get over excited about, you have to prepare yourself for the fact that you maybe disappoined about it (may I say Army of Two?!) but I have to say I do love this game! I was lucky to have some friends around when I brought it so I was able to kick some ass as my fave character Ken, and at many points have my ass handed to me.
With the new Street Fighter, it reverts back to the original layout of the controls that were used on the SNES, so if you have any experience of playing Street Fighter 2 then your in luck. All the traditional characters such as Ryu, Ken and Chun-Li are all back with a few additional characters to spice things up such as C. Viper, El Fuerte, Abel and Rufus.
This game is the ultimate game for me since I've been a fan for such a long time, and I can definately say I have not been diappointed!
Street Fighter 4 get the ultimate Urban Female Gamer (U.F.G) score of 5 out of 5...Haddoken baby!
Oh yes I could not wait for this to come out. I was teased by the trailers and set my sights on getting the limited edition and then it was here and it was out on my birthday (just thought I'd add that nugget of information). So, was all the hype and the anticipation all worth it?
As with any game that you can get over excited about, you have to prepare yourself for the fact that you maybe disappoined about it (may I say Army of Two?!) but I have to say I do love this game! I was lucky to have some friends around when I brought it so I was able to kick some ass as my fave character Ken, and at many points have my ass handed to me.
With the new Street Fighter, it reverts back to the original layout of the controls that were used on the SNES, so if you have any experience of playing Street Fighter 2 then your in luck. All the traditional characters such as Ryu, Ken and Chun-Li are all back with a few additional characters to spice things up such as C. Viper, El Fuerte, Abel and Rufus.
This game is the ultimate game for me since I've been a fan for such a long time, and I can definately say I have not been diappointed!
Street Fighter 4 get the ultimate Urban Female Gamer (U.F.G) score of 5 out of 5...Haddoken baby!
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